Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Fundamentals of Text Generation


Fundamentals of Text Generation

Author: Murat Karakaya
Date created: 21 April 2021
Last modified: 19 May 2021
Description: This is an introductory tutorial on Text Generation in Deep Learning which is the first part of the “Controllable Text Generation with Transformers” series

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Controllable Text Generation with Transformers tutorial series

This series will focus on developing TensorFlow (TF) / Keras implementation of Controllable Text Generation from scratch.

You can access all the parts from this link or the below post.


Before getting started, I assume that you have already reviewed:

Please ensure that you have completed the above tutorial series to easily follow the below discussions.


Language Models:

Text Generation:

Controllable Text Generation:

PART A1: A Review of Text Generation

What is text generation?

You train a Deep Learning (DL) model to generate random but hopefully meaningful text in the simplest form.

Text generation is a subfield of natural language processing (NLP). It leverages knowledge in computational linguistics and artificial intelligence to automatically generate natural language texts, which can satisfy certain communicative requirements.

You can visit Write With Transformer or Talk to Transformer websites to interact with several demos.

Here is a quick demo:

What is a prompt?

Prompt is the initial text input to the trained model so that it can complete the prompt by generating suitable text.

We expect that the trained model is capable of taking care of the prompt properly to generate sensible text.

In the above demo, the prompt we provided is “I believe that one day, robots will” and the trained model generates the following text:

What is a Corpus?

A corpus (plural corpora) or text corpus is a language resource consisting of a large and structured set of texts.

For example, the Large Movie Review corpus consists of 25,000 highly polar movie reviews for training, and 25,000 for testing to train a Language Model for sentiment analysis.

What is a Token?

In general, a token is a string of contiguous characters between two spaces, or between a space and punctuation marks.

token can also be any number (an integer, or real).

All other symbols are tokens themselves except apostrophes and quotation marks in a word (with no space), which in many cases symbolize acronyms or citations.

The token can be

  • a word
  • a character
  • a symbol
  • a number
  • x number of contiguous above items.

Actually, the programmer decides the size and meaning of the token in the NLP implementation.

It is the unit (granulity) of the text input to the Language Model and the output of the model as well.

Mostly, we use 3 levels for tokenization in Deep Learning applications:

  • word
  • character
  • n-gram characters

What is Text Tokenization?

Tokenization is a way of separating a piece of text into smaller units called tokens. Basically for training a language model, we prepare the training data as follows:


  • we collectclean, and structure the data
  • this data is called the corpus

We decide:

  • the token size (word, character, or n-gram)
  • the maximum number of tokens in each sample
  • the number of distinct tokens in the dictionary (vocabulary size)


  • we tokenize the corpus into chunks of tokens (sequences)considering the maximum size (length) At the end of the tokenization process, we have
  • sequences of tokens as samples (inputs or outputs for the LM)
  • vocabulary consisting of maximum n number of frequent tokens in the corpus
  • an index list to represent each token in the dictionary

Lastly, we convert sequences of tokens to sequences of indices.

All the above steps are called tokenization and you can use Tensorflow Data Pipeline to handle these steps in a structured way. For more information about tokenization and Tensorflow Data Pipeline, see these Murat Karakaya Akademi tutorials:

What is a Language Model?

A language model is at the core of many NLP tasks and is simply a probability distribution over a sequence of words

In this current context, the model trained to generate text is mostly called a Language Model (LM).

In a broader context, a statistical language model is a probability distribution over sequences of tokens (i.e., words or characters).

Given a prompt (assume a partial statement), say of length m, a trained Language Model (LM) assigns a conditional probability distribution over the dictionary (vocabulary) tokens $P(w_{1}$,$…$, $w_{m})$.

We can use the conditional probability distribution to select (sample) the next token to complete the given prompt.

For example, when the prompt is “I want to cook”, the trained language model can output the probability of each token in the dictionary to be the next token as below.

Then, according to the implemented sampling method, one can pick the next token considering this probability distribution.

How does a Language Model generate text?

In general, we first train an LM then make it generate text (inference).

  • In training, we first prepare the train data from the corpus. Then, LM learns the conditional probability distribution of the next token for a sequence (prompt) generated from the corpus.
  • In inference (text generation) mode, an LM works in a loop:
  • We provide initial text (prompt) to the LM.
  • The LM calculates the conditional probability of each vocabulary token to be the next token.
  • We sample the next token using this conditional probability distribution.
  • We concatenate this token to the seed and provide this sequence as the new seed to LM

What is Word-based and Char-based Text Generation?

We can set the token size at the word level or character level.

In the above example, the tokenization is done at the word level. Thus, the input and output of the Language Model are composed of words.

Below, you see that we opt out of character-based tokenization.

Pay attention to the above and below models’ outputs and dictionaries (vocabularies).

Character-based tokenization

Which Level of Tokenization (Word or Character based) should be used?

In general,

  • character level LMs can mimic grammatically correct sequences for a wide range of languages, require a bigger hidden layer, and computationally more expensive
  • word-level LMs train faster and generate more coherent texts and yet even these generated texts are far from making actual sense.

The main advantage of character-level over word-level Text Generation models:

  • Character-level models have a really small vocabulary. For example, the GBW dataset will contain approximately 800 characters compared to 800,000 words.
  • In practice, this means that Character level models will require less memory and have faster inference than their word counterparts.
  • Character level models do not require tokenization as a preprocessing step.
  • However, Character level models require a much bigger hidden layer to successfully model long-term dependencies which mean higher computational costs.

In summary, you need to work on both to understand their advantages and disadvantages.

More discussion is here

What is Sampling?

Sampling means randomly picking the next word according to its conditional probability distribution. After generating a probability distribution over vocabulary for the given input sequence, we need to carefully decide how to select the next token (sample) from this distribution.

There are several methods for sampling in text generation such as:

  • Greedy Search (Maximization)
  • Temperature Sampling
  • Top-K Sampling
  • Top-P Sampling (Nucleus sampling)
  • Beam Search

You can learn details of these sampling methods and how to code them with Tensorflow / Keras in these Murat Karakaya Akademi tutorials:

Also, you can visit the blog by Patrick von Platen, How to generate text: using different decoding methods for language generation with Transformers.

What kinds of Language Models do exist in Artificial Neural Networks?

The most popular approaches to create a Language Model in Deep Learning are:

  • Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM or GRU)
  • Encoder-Decoder Models
  • Transformers
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Which Language Model to use?

The LMs mentioned above have their advantages and disadvantages.

In a very short and simple comparison:

  • Transformers are novel models but they require much more data to be trained with.
  • RNNs can not create coherent long sequences
  • Encoder-Decoder models enhanced with Attention Mechanism could perform better than RNNs but worse than Transformers
  • GANs can not be easily trained or converge.

As a researcher or developer, we need to know how to apply all these three approaches on text generation problem.

Text Generation Types

Mainly, we can think of 2 types of text generation approach:

  1. Random Text Generation: The LM is free to generate any text without being limited or directed by any specific rules or expectations. We only hope for realistic, coherent, understandable content to be generated.
  2. Controllable Text Generation: Controllable text generation generates natural sentences whose attributes can be controlled. For example, we can define some attributes of the text to be generated such as:
  • tense
  • sentiment
  • structure
  • grammar
  • consist of some key terms/topics

For example, in this work, the authors train an LM such that it can control the tense (present or past) and attitude (positive or negative) of the generated text like below:

Text Generation Summary

So far, we have reviewed the important concepts and methods related to Text Generation in Deep Learning.

If you want to go deeper and see how to implement several Language Models (LSTM, Encoder-Decoder, etc.) with Python / TensorFlow / Keras you can refer to the following Text Generation with different Deep Learning Models resources provided by Murat Karakaya Akademi :)

Furthermore, you might need to check the above references for more details.

If you want to learn Controllable Text Generation Fundamentals and how to implement it with different Deep Learning models in Python, TensorFlow & Keras please continue with the next parts.

You can access all the parts from this link.

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Thank you in advance.

Do not forget to check out the next parts!

Take care!

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